Photo sharing you’ll flip for
“It’s a perfect ice breaker…it’s more about showing an authentic part of someone…it tells you what they think is interesting”
– Johanne S.

How do I play?

How it works
It’s anti-curated
Everyday life is more interesting than social media life.
PhotoDare helps people share their REAL life moments and tell more authentic stories.
“This is something i could actually see myself doing with my friends, this is highest compliment i could pay “
— Hilary J
"you always hear how social media's really bad for your mental health...this brings the fun aspect of sharing your photos without that pressure of it needing to look a certain way [and] get likes…"
— Julia S
"It's a fun way to get to know your friends on a more personal level since you're sharing pics you normally wouldn't"
Krystal K
“it’s more about showing an authentic part of someone — it says so much about what the photo is when you hear their storytelling, it’s ‘what are they taking away from this photo’, it tells you what they think is interesting”
– Johanne S
I just wanna get my friends in this now!
– Rona
“It’s a perfect ice breaker for people who aren’t good at dating...”
– Johanne S
“I would use this for flirting!”
— Rona H
“in Insta, all these pictures would be more colour vibrant, and look filtered, but here it looks way more personal, it feels way more personal”
— Alex P
“I like the authenticity and kinda like the intimacy of PhotoDare because a lot of these photos, I wouldn't put it on my Instagram because that's just not the platform for it”
— Sandra J
– Jamie C

Fresh stories you’ll only get here
PhotoDare is for all the life moments that just don’t belong on other platforms.
Players tell us time and time again they find the Discover feed more interesting than [big-tech competitor], because it’s so random, ‘unfiltered’, and ‘real’.
“I could just keep scrolling forever…”
– Jamie C.
Because REAL life is more interesting.
With many photo-sharing platforms there's pressure to make your life look amazing. PhotoDare helps people share their REAL life moments and tell more authentic stories. We think everyday life is interesting.
2x the creators = 2x as interesting
Create posts together with friends, or by yourself.
It’s stress free: when you make posts together, photos stay private unless you BOTH unlock them for others to see.

From awesome moments to “WTF?” encounters, you capture your life in photos – but most never get shared!
PhotoDare helps you rediscover, relive, and share them.
PhotoDare is a
social photo sharing game with ❤️.
Welcome to a safe space where you can be yourself.
Social media shows us curated, polished and filtered images – everyone looks amazing.
This is because people tend to only publish posts that make them look good, but it’s hard when everyone else’s life seems better than yours.
This imbalance is leading to mental health and self-image issues:
For Teen Girls, Instagram Is a Cesspool (NY Times).
“32 percent of teen girls have told Facebook that when they felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse” (Washington Post).
Lush deactivating IG, FB, TikTok & Snap: “retailer says ‘serious effects of social media’ on users’ mental health are ‘going largely ignored” (The Independent).
Meanwhile, people take hundreds of photos they never share. Maybe they’re not right for other platforms, or we forget to share them – but there’s a story behind every one!
These stories are entertaining, and they help you get to know the real life of that person better.
PhotoDare surfaces these stories: it’s made with mental and emotional well-being in mind, through emphasizing real life over fake social media life.
It’s designed for more intimate 1-on-1 exchanges that hack people’s impulse to show only their most polished selves.
And people are ❤️’ing it!
Rediscover life moments and tell the stories you wouldn’t have otherwise – no matter how small – and it stays private unless you want to share.
Play photo games by yourself or with others for hilarious ice-breakers and stories.
Share to just friends, your followers, or make a splash on the Discover page where everyone can enjoy them.
PhotoDare is on a mission to make photo sharing more sincere, because real life is more interesting.

Get it on iOS and Android!

Finally, fun and friendly photo sharing where you can just be yourself.
Photo Dare helps people rediscover REAL life moments and share authentic stories together with friends or by themselves.

Best question ever! Send them this page to signup for the Beta. As soon as we release on the app store, we’ll notify them of the links to play on iOS and Android.
When they’re signed up, go to the Play screen and “Dare a Friend” – you can start typing their name or username to find them.
You make posts on PhotoDare by playing a simple mini-game, either by yourself (Solo) or with a friend (2-Player).
From the Play screen pick a game mode. Once you grant permission to access your photos, it will shuffle them behind game tiles, and you can choose which to play with.
In 2-Player Dares, you have 3 ways to play:
1. Send a photo without looking: it sends the game tile (including your photo) to your friend without you knowing which photo is behind it. This is the most exciting way to play but does come with an extra safety alert to help prevent you sending something you might not want shared. Once you hit send, you won’t be able to see which photo you sent until your friend completes the Dare, and then both your photos are revealed.
This moment of reveal might be your first time seeing the photo in the game. If you are concerned about what you might have sent, you can delete the Dare from your Sent feed using the More button, and tapping Delete. If you are the sender, you can delete it before or after the other person has responded, but if you are the receiver, both photos will already be revealed after you hit send.2. Peek and remix: once you’ve picked a game tile, you can tap it to reveal the hidden picture before you send. At this point you can Remix it to re-shuffle the picture as many times as you’d like.
Once sent, the photo is re-hidden behind a tile until the Dare is completed by the receiver, at which point both people can see both photos.
3. Chicken out: not feeling confident in your photos? No problem. Chickening out replaces your photo with a picture of a chicken, and your photo is never sent. This is a good move if you still want to see your friends’ picture but you’re not ready to share a photo yet.
Once sent, the chicken is re-hidden behind a tile until the Dare is completed by the receiver, at which point both people can see whatever was sent by each player.
When you’ve completed the Dare you can see the photos and chat about them.
Safety mechanisms when co-creating Dares.To protect the privacy of both players, there are several safety mechanisms:
Safety check if you send without looking: when you choose this method, you will be prompted to confirm that you really want to send it.
Safety check if you peeked and send: if you look at the photo first, you will also get a confirmation request. There is also a confirmation if you chicken out.
Dares are Private by default, and both players must unlock before they can be shared.
Yes! You can delete existing Dares, and also Dares you’ve sent and are still waiting for your friend to reply.
From any Dare, tap the “More Options” button that looks like 3 dots to bring up the Delete button. If one player in a 2-Player Dare deletes it, it will be deleted for both players as a safety precaution.
PhotoDare aims to solve a problem: the images on social media can make us feel pressured to look cool, good looking, rich, and successful – everyone else’s life seems to look better than our own. So people tend to only post things that make them look good, and the problem intensifies.
PhotoDare celebrates *all* the life moments we find photo-worthy, not just the cool-looking ones, so to help everyone counteract that impulse to curate what they share, we designed the shuffle game.
The randomness in this mode helps people get a peek into each others’ lives they wouldn’t see otherwise. It’s also a great way to rediscover all the life moments we captured but forgot to share anywhere.
But just a shuffle feature isn’t enough to solve the bigger problem; sharing things that seem ‘not cool enough for social’ takes courage, and a belief in other people’s curiosity.
1. Playing PhotoDare helps you rediscover life moments – be brave and fight the urge to only share the ones that seem ‘cool’! You had a reason to take the photo, and you never know what someone will find interesting or relate to.
2. Be curious about other people’s photos and stories, even if you don’t get why they were shared. There’s always a reason for why people take photos, and finding out what it is is fun and gives you a more authentic sense of that person.about other people’s photos and stories, even if you don’t get why they were shared. There’s always a reason for why people take photos, and finding out what it is is fun and gives you a more authentic sense of that person.
PhotoDare only saves photos you ask it to save or send. It does not access your other photos other than to show them to you in the game mode. PhotoDare is made by a small team in Canada who care deeply about privacy, and we do not sell your information or process your photos in any way beyond what is needed to create the gameplay features. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.
Once you know they have an account, go to Play, 2-Player Mode “Dare a Friend”, and you can start typing their username, or name to find them. Tap their name to send them a Dare!
You can see incoming Dares in 2 places. The first is in the Play Screen, under 2-Player mode you’ll see a “Reply” button if you have incoming dares. Also you can respond to dares in the “Incoming” feed of the My Dares tab.
All Dares start out locked, or “Private”, and can only be seen by those who created them.
To share them with others, the creators need to unlock them, which makes the Dare “Public”. In 2-Player Dares, both creators must unlock a Dare to share it, which protects both players.
When a Dare is Public, it can be seen by anyone with the link and is also moved to the front page known as “Discover”.
We are busy working on more privacy features to give players more granular control over who can see their Dares.
Please do report anything bad or suspicious!
You can email us at
You can report Dares from any Dare – press the “More Options” button that looks like 3 dots to bring up the Report button.
You can also report any user from their profile using the More button (the 3 dots). -
Click any users’ name or username to be taken to their public profile.
Tap the More button (the three dots) and choose Block User.
Block any user from their profile to:• Hide your Dares and comments from each other.
• Prevent sending Dares to each other.
• IMPORTANT: If you have 2-Player Dares with this user, they will be set to Private and hidden from both of you.
This can be undone by unblocking them from Settings. If you need to delete Dares while a user is blocked, contact us at
Thanks in advance for reaching out to, we look forward to hearing from you.
In the Settings page – which you can access via the top right avatar icon in Discover, Play, or My Dares –, scroll to the “Account” section and tap “Delete account”.
This will warn you that your content and account info will be permanently deleted.
Your content and account information will no longer be visible or usable in the app. In accordance with our Privacy Policy, we only keep any associated data for as long as is strictly necessary to comply with legal obligations.
Currently we do not have a feature in the app to allow you to update your account info, but we can change this for you if you reach out to Some restrictions may apply.

New app, who dis?
We’re a group of Canadian 🇨🇦 nerds shaking up photo sharing with an addictive new platform built on real life stories.
Join us on our mission to make every day more authentic!